
In Aethtea, Magick is everywhere and ever-present, but also ever changing. Some that study Magick have described it as being like the wind: on some days, one can feel its full force like a gale or a storm, on others, there is little more than a breeze. Obviously, there are places stronger in Magick and places that a weaker, but that should go without saying.

One of the many questions left unanswered is what Magick is, exactly. Many believe it to be the remnants of the breath of the Gods, from the time when they walked Aethtea. There have been some great books written with extensive research pointing to this theory, but the pieces still do not quite fit. Another belief is that Magick is the blood of the world. Again, magicians and scholars could write whole libraries as to why this is the case, but never reach a solid conclusion.

However, there is much we do know about Magick.

Magick is not all about spells and incantations, like some believe, but that does not mean that they are not a major part of it. Most magicians prefer to use spells because they are easier to understand and control. Sometimes words can be said, but these are more like a mental guide, or map, on how to manipulate the Magick and not essential to the spell itself. Once one has mastered the spell, they can use it without even opening their mouth.

Magick has various 'depths', from 'Near' to 'Far' and all the spectrum in between. Simple, easier to access spells or incantations can be described as 'Near Magicks'. These effect the user and the world around them to a lesser degree. Opening locks, lighting fires and enchanting small objects are all examples of 'Near Magicks'.
'Far Magicks' however are much more raw, much more dangerous. These are often less like spells and more like the manipulating of the world's energy. These can have a very damaging effect on the user, both physical and mental, if they use it 'Far Magicks' too often or with too little understanding. Mind manipulation, bodily transformation and the moving of great objects are examples of this kind of Magick. There have been many stories told of a proud and boastful magician who tried to lift a mountain into the air, but instead managed to crush himself into the size of a pebble. It is advised that many that are new to Magick do not attempt to access the 'Far Magicks'.

Not everyone has the capacity to use Magick. Even those that do can take years to understand and master it. In humans, Magick, in all its forms, relies ultimately on the three Senses: sight, sound and touch. Which Sense is the key to unlocking Magick differs from person to person, and this Sense is usually their only way of experiencing and then manipulating it. In other words, if one loses this sense, they lose their use of Magick altogether.

We describe the feeling of Magick as an experience because the exact sensation differs so dramatically. The primary feeling is that of a raw energy, a power that you cannot truly understand. Yet still, we do have some recorded similarities.

  • Touch - one feels a heat the never burns, a buzzing of the flesh. Hairs stand up on the back of your neck. Sometimes, you can even feel a hand take yours and lead you deeper.
  • Sound - one hears music that you have never heard before, with varying rhythms, sounds, instruments, yet it is unlike music entirely. Whispers in the air, whispers without words but you understand exactly what they mean.
  • Sight - one sees ripples in the air, light bends and bows to you. Colours change and move around you. Shadows form shapes and then disappear.
That is the basic introduction to Magick. Obviously, there is much more to learn, but this will take many years of study, and cannot be written on one page. I hope you learn much and discover great things. Magick is a truly wonderful thing.

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